Agripreneur Of The Year (Over 30)

Country: Kenya

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Francis Thoya
Sea berry snacks
Sea Berry snacks Limited has innovated and formulated high energy, fiber rich, high nutrient cookies fortified with protein and micronutrients and specially blended to combat malnutrition amongst children below 5 years and expectant mothers in Africa. SDG no. 3 (Good health & Well Being) The cookies are also great for human consumption as towards attainment of SDG no. 2 (Zero Hunger) The formulation comprises cassava, fish, milk, coconut, Fruits and margarine for high nutritional value. The product is called Samaki cookies, The word “Samaki” means fish in the local Swahili language. Having piloted the cookies project for 10 months beginning January, 2023, Samaki cookies would like to pivot to Commercial (Industrial Scale) production by setting up a production plant in Kilifi.
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