Voting Count Down

Most Promising Founder of The year (Under 30)

Country: Malawi

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Joses Kaunda
J5M Investments
J5M Investments its a company that is located in Malawi Lilongwe city, we are into Agriculture Business plus Transport sector. We supply sugarcane for sugar production at Salima sugar factory . We also sale Soya seed for registered with the research and sale to their customers if their products are finished. We supply soya gain to Sunseed. For cooking oil production…. Transportation sector, providing Coaster services to 3 different companies and well known around Africa We provide services to St. John’s DMI with 4 of coasters And we also won a contract with JTI leaf . A big company well known in Africa. We provide services with other 4 buses And Watergen Africa well known as well in the Tobacco industry, we provide them transport services with a single Bus
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