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Most Promising Founder of The year (Over 30)

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Zwelihle Banks Nsiiwa
Smart Thinking Publishers


Smart Thinking Publishers is a publishing company in Botswana . Co - Founded by Zwelihle Banks Nsiiwa and her Husband Samuel Banks Nsiiwa The publishing company has in 2024 published educational early childhood 4 English books . The books are now available in 7 languages , authored by Zwelihle Banks Nsiiwa . Translated to 6 languages : 1. French 2. Setswana 3. Ndebele 4. Shona 5. Ikalanga 6. Afrikaans . The books entails : Introduction to English literature , Introduction to Mathematics; Introduction to French literature , Affirmation books ( 7 languages) Coloring books in 3 languages . The French and Setswana translations have been listed at the Alliance Francaise de Gaborone , and all the books deposited at Botswana National Library
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