Voting Count Down

Agripreneur Of The Year (Over 30)

Region: General

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Lehlohonolo Mabaso
Qwakhanda E Ntjha NPC


Qwakhanda E Ntjha NPC is a nonprofit company founded in 2020 with the primary aim of building economically independent and self-reliant youth through agriculture, STEMI, sports, arts, culture and tourism. Our Qwakanda Green program which aims to remove illegal dumping sites and turn them to community food gardens, while reducing carbon emissions by turning organic waste to compost has created 20 permanent green jobs and over 30 temporary employment for young people in rural and township areas. Our equity has risen to over 200 under privileged households, assisting them with food from our garden and buying waste from unemployed youth. The company has abated over 30tonnes of carbon emissions to date. We encourage young people to take up space by clearing dumping sites and turning them to food gardens for food security as well as business purposes.
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