Voting Count Down

Edupreneur Of The Year (Over 30)

Region: General

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Stephen Gatei
Mwalimu Connect


Ed tech startup that 1.Has a teachers jobs board where young teachers graduating from more than 77 teachers training colleges access teaching vacancies in private schools in Kenya and schools abroad. Teachers apply and get recruited by schools from the comfort of a simple mobile phone. Partners-Kenya Private Schools Association 12,000 member schools, AU startups, Job tech Alliance and Microsoft for startups accelerator 2.UP SKILLING the youth with HP LIFE upskilling program where leaners get awarded a HP certificate upon completion[data analytics, innovation, career development, marketing, communication etc]We are HPs partner to deliver that in Kenya UP SKILLING our teachers with 21st century skills digital skills, creativity, problem solving, adaptability etc- The Microsoft Teacher training program where a Microsoft certificate is awarded to the teacher upon completion 3.ACCESSIBILITY TO HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE BY SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS. We have partnered with HP and they manufacture computers and laptops for us from the HP factory. Devices come pre installed with Microsoft software at a subsidized cost. We give schools the devices with a payment plan. We have an exclusive contract to deliver classera learning/school management software in Kenyan schools. Classera is one of the leading school management software company globally with its HQ is Sillicon Valley and is backed by HP and Microsoft. The software digitizes all school operations.
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