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Healthpreneur Of The Year (Under 30)

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Baluku Hannington Gift
Treatinet teleMEDICINE Services (U) Ltd


Title: Treatinet teleMEDICINE – Bridging Uganda’s rural Healthcare Gap, Bundibugyo district, Uganda. Authors; 1*BALUKU H.G 2*KIRYOKUMBE N. 1CEO & Co-Founder, Treatinet teleMEDICINE Services (U) Ltd, P.O. Box 1168, Ntotoro, Bundibugyo, Uganda. 2Software developer, Treatinet teleMEDICINE Services (U) Ltd, P.O. Box 1168, Ntotoro, Bundibugyo, Uganda. *Corresponding Author: Contact: +256701 806 600 / +256788067960 Website: Abstract Introduction: Majority, 76% of 49.4 million Ugandans LIVE in rural areas. Hospitals, doctors, specialists are more in urban. Healthcare access in rural areas is very challenging. 1 in 4 adults (>30years) suffer Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). 1 in 5 women (15-49years) is pregnant. 200,000 children (0-5 years) die annually of preventable childhood illnesses. Objectives: To enhance healthcare access in rural Uganda in line with SDG 3, Universal Health Coverage (UHC). To connect rural Ugandans to urban doctor, specialist connectivity (SDG 17). To minimize carbon emissions, carbon footprints from rural-urban healthcare travel (SDG 13). Methods: Pilot study, focus group interviews, feasibility studies, Cost-Benefit analysis, were conducted in Ntotoro community, Bundibugyo district, Western Uganda. Results: Our initiative provides remote consultations, medication orders, lab sample collections ensure privacy, flexible payment options, and secure data transmission with End-to-End encryption. AI-driven drones deliver lab samples, medicines. Detailed digital records ensure accountability. Freemium teleMEDICINE account sign-up options, users to upgrade to Premium at nominal fee. Order prescribed Medicines on Treatinet App with 50% deposit, full payment on delivery. Lab samples collected with 50% deposit; results accessed upon full payment. Monthly subscriptions enable health checkups at rural telemedicine outlets, improving accessibility. Ongoing iteration language translation algorithms and AI voice models for Ugandan users. Conclusions: Treatinet teleMEDICINE offers accessible, efficient, secure rural healthcare services. Reduce carbon emissions, carbon footprints associated with rural-urban travels, mitigate climate change, sustainable healthcare delivery (299 words). Keywords: SMARTDoctor card, Rural teleMEDICINE outlet, language translation algorithms, AI voice models.
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