8 ideas for startups to give back during the coronavirus pandemic

The world needs startups to act now more than ever. Creativity, innovation and the ability to make the most out of limited resources is crucial. We explore ideas on how startups can give back to society during this pandemic.

Offer free products and services

Online learning resources, remote working platforms, 3D printing valves for hospital needs, free or discounted products and services, there are many ways to help. Your brand can support people who are hugely affected by the pandemic or those at home in need to keep up with their lives.

Work on innovative tech solutions to fight the coronavirus

If you have an idea for developing a tool that could in any way be of help in the fight of the COVID-19 virus, then start working on it as soon as possible. Be part of the solution. 

Connect with the startup community in your country

Now is the time to strengthen ties more than ever and collectively undertake initiatives in support of crisis management. Get as involved as you can and encourage others to do so as well.

Organize or attend remote hackathons

Many innovative solutions have come up from hackathons. Attend as many as you can and if none are happening in your region, take the initiative and organize one. Solutions can range from managing this emergency period to post-crisis period management.

Host free online webinars, podcasts or Q & A sessions

People are online and it is the only practical way to reach them at this time. Take advantage of the existing technology and give advice that will help them according to your area of expertise.

Mentor earlier stage teams in acceleration or growth programs

Startup founders can play a crucial role in supporting early stage and more fragile startups in weathering the storm. All you need to do is to search the internet for a programme that would welcome mentorship in your field of expertise and offer support.

Offer your advice on remote working

As a startup founder, you are probably well acquainted with the 'work from home' concept. Offer tips to people who are experiencing this for the first time.

Offer consultation to SMEs on digitalization and automation

Not being able to go out has brought up the need for many processes to be automates, resulting in many SMEs seeking new methods and business models. There are many ways to help. You can help with setting up online shops, running marketing campaigns, AI-driven automation, IOT data collection or giving advice on the required IT tools. Your input can make a huge difference.

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