Voting Count Down

Hospitality Founder Of The Year (Under 30)

Region: General

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Teresia Kimani
Heartland Safaris


Heartland Safaris is one of the novice firms in tours and travels in Kenya. However, we pride ourselves in making tremendous changes in our community since inception. Our success is based on innate nature of the company to help solve both environmental and social needs within the community. a) Environmental needs. In 2023 alone, Heartland Safaris have planted over 5000 trees. This has been achieved through collaboration with governmental and non-gover mental agencies in Kenya. During the National tree planting, we facilitated in planting of 1000 despite the limited time (3planning days), and resources. b) Societal needs I) Fighting overweight and obesity According to the reports by World Health Organization, overweight and obesity are a pandemic in the modern society which affect over 41% people globally. In a desire to fight against overweight and obesity, Heartland Safaris have organized various programs, and fitness challenges in collaboration with gym instructor. We also have adrenaline rush challenge which helps the to keep fit. ii) Charity Events for the Street Children There is no greater satisfaction than helping someone who genuinely needs you. As heartland safaris, we have been touched by contributing to various social works activities eg those geared towards helping children's homes. We have also organized various events ourselves. The most impactful event was visiting the street children, and the disabled in Chuka Town. iii) Improving life satisfaction among the aged With better health and improve lifestyle, life expectancy among the aged population has increased. This calls for services, and products that help to better the lives of the elderly in all area of life especially in activities that improved the quality of life. Heartland Safaris has recognised this need and creates activities that are suitable for the aged. iv) Catering for Low Income Earners Travel is considered as a luxury service and thus is not affordable to most low income families despite the desire to travel. Having come from a humbled, I have experienced this. I never had enough resources to travel until after I completed campus (after saving for four years). At Heartland Safaris we believe in offering affordable travel for all. Our package are friendly,making it possible for even the low income earners to travel without breaking the bank.
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