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Most Promising Founder of The year (Over 30)

Region: General

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Nephan Malunga
The Scientific Initiatives for a Healthy and Developed Zambia (SiHDZ). and The Youthful Antimicrobial Resistance Ambassadors -Zambia (YAMRAZ)


The Scientific Initiatives for a Healthy and Developed Zambia (SiHDZ), aka Scientific Initiatives Zambia is a nonprofit non governmental organization, registered under the International NGO Act No 16 of 2009 of the laws of Zambia. Our main mandate is to identify promote and support locally birthed ideas initiatives and innovations by local community members that seek to provide solutions to locally faced community challenges thereby improve outcomes for Healthy and Developed Communities. Our vision is a community where local members are empowered with through the creation of opportunities and platforms that deliberately identify them as priority in providing solutions to locally faced community challenges in health and Development. Since our creation, we have manage to create opportunities for more of our community engaged individuals as well as part of our membership. Opportunities such as participation in National and international matters, driving change and making a difference. E.g. 10 paid National Science JETS Fair Adjudicators in 2022 which increased to 25 young people in 2023, over 5000 Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Debaters and Spectators have participated in National matters through our platforms, 6 Debaters participated at international level in Senegal 2022, which increased to 10 in 2023; We have trained close to 100 participants both students and Community young leaders through our Skills, Personal and Leadership development programs (At two of our top training programs; The CIA Training Program and The Lifetime Essential Skills Training Program); We have donated and empowered over 200 beneficiaries in our Menstrual Hygiene products and Educational materials drives under the Menstrual Health Promotion program and the Education Support Program, for the less privileged girl and boy child; We have piloted and implemented over 10 community engagement programs, the CIA Training Program, the Lifetime Essential Skills Training Program, Community and Drainage Clearing Program, Single Mothers by Circumstance Capacity Building and Response for Development Program, Boy and Girl Child support program to mention a few. The Youthful Antimicrobial Resistance-AMR Ambassadors -Zambia (YAMRAZ) is a two time international award winning youth movement that has inspired and empowered a lot of young people with knowledge and platform as opportunity to participate and advocate for the youth engagement and support. Here we help build great Ambassadors of AMR.
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