Voting Count Down

Social Founder Of The Year (Under 30)

Country: Zambia

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Sabetha Zulu
Donate a pad foundation
Donate a pad Foundation is a group of young adults from a different age group with the view of helping out the young girls in our society. We are doing this through a campaign known as DONATE A PAD CAMPAIGN. This campaign started on 21st January, 2020. We believe that girls need to acquire education and matters such as period poverty must not hinder them from such a cause. Through mentorship, empowerment, sensitization, we hope to reach out to a lot of girls and ensure that they are educated. Our mission is to end period poverty by facilitating access to menstrual hygiene products by under privileged woman and girls in our society. We have done this mainly through outreach programs were we donate menstrual hygiene products to prisons, orphanages, schools and homes. We are able to accomplish this by fundraising through social media and corporate entities which we partner with. We have gone further in our quest to end period poverty by teaching under privileged women and girls how to sew reusable pads especially in rural areas where access is almost impossible. We want to end the stigma associated with period poverty. Our outreach programs includes teaching young girls in schools on menstrual hygiene, raising awareness through ratio programs and social media. One of the major issues affecting women and girls in rural traditional setups are myths, norms, customs and taboos which stigmatize menstruation and thus trampling on women's rights and access to menstrual hygiene. Our aim is to involve traditional leadership in areas were practices such as genital mutilation is still rampant in women and young girls. Equally we have organized a number of solidarity matches/ walks in line with raising awareness. As a result of increased community engagement that we’ve had the past two years and understanding of best practices for menstrual hygiene. we believe that working with the government and traditional leaders around the country will help to break the norms, myths and taboos that surround menstrual hygiene. Awareness programs can bring about a cultural shift rooted in supporting school-aged girls throughout their menstruation cycles. This support will give them the confidence needed to seek further education and the management practices best suited to them as individuals thus improving the livelihoods of girls in communities and the country at large. when women are educated an entire nation benefits because females are nurturers by nature and thus they don’t have to miss school because of menstrual periods.
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