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Techpreneur Of The Year (Under 30)

Country: Zambia

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Edwin Mwanza
Inventive Society of Scientists
The INVENTIVE SOCIETY OF SCIENTISTS is a platform of innovations for various science professionals and students in various science based programmes. The need for improvement in African Research and Discovery cannot be overemphasized. The ISS spearheads innovation to ameliorate lives across Africa and across the globe . Each scientist can be assisted by fellow ISS members to carry out their experiments successfully, and obtain sponsorship to improve and market their findings. Not to forget the Entrepreneurship Department that mentors members and sponsors their well-defined business plans. As a source of income, the society offers A-level, Medicine and Engineering tuitions. Besides that, many big companies such as pharmaceutical companies have approached the society and offer us projects to do research on medicinal drugs and so on. As founder, president and student medical doctor, I would like to be considered for this award so that I can inspire more young people.
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