Voting Count Down

Agripreneur Of The Year (Under 30)

Country: Zimbabwe

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Zivai Fayol Mavhunga
Techno Agric Precision Research Advisory Company
Techno Agric Precision Research Advisory Company provides cutting-edge agricultural value-added services and precision farming technologies. We aim to foster an industrial-wide understanding of the agricultural sector and elevate farmers' technical expertise in modern food production systems. By offering research, training, and consultancy services, we empower farmers with the tools and knowledge needed to optimize productivity and sustainability. Our innovative approach addresses challenges such as knowledge gaps, inefficient practices, and limited access to real-time data, ensuring improved market understanding, better resource management, and enhanced overall agricultural performance. We address the challenge of low livestock productivity among smallholder farmers due to inadequate extension services, knowledge gaps in farming practices, and limited access to real-time data and market information.
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