Voting Count Down

Social Founder Of The Year (Over 30)

Country: Zimbabwe

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Kumbirai Kahiya
Girls and Women Empowerment Network
GWEN is a community-focused organization that supports and provides for the empowerment of adolescent girls and young women. Making efforts to empower AGYW in all spheres of life in ways that respect the law to promote, protect, and provide for girls and young women in Zimbabwe. GWEN works to eliminate factors that increase girls' and women's vulnerability and prevent them from enjoying their full human and constitutional rights. These include among others poverty, burden of unpaid care and domestic work, SGBV, climate change, and abuse. its formation was necessitated by the numerous challenges vulnerable AGYW face at school, at home, work, and in society with a lack of safe [laces for AGYW including those escaping domestic violence and the absence of means to access safe places and protection services.
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