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Most Promising Founder of The year (Over 30)

Country: Malawi

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McClintock AcSmhour
Africans Building Africa - ABA
Africans Building Africa (ABA) is a non-governmental organization established in 2010 to restore mother Africa specifically in areas of community health, environmental conversation, and education for children. First, we discovered that many African villages in Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Lesotho face challenges when it comes to accessing health care as they travel long distances. This leads to many people dying in their villages from diseases that could have been cured if they received treatment. We took this as our initiative to begin uncovering these areas and writing proposals to relevant stakeholders who can establish health centers in these areas. Second, we discovered that the environment in most African countries is degraded. We took this as our initiative as well to begin the reforestation project, and civic education on the dangers of improper water disposal, unsafe water, and the environment around their homes. Finally, we discovered that there are children in villages who lack school fees but are visionary and want to go to school. We connect these children to donors who may want to pay their school fees from secondary school to university level.
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