Voting Count Down

Agripreneur Of The Year (Over 30)

Region: General

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Abdul Raufo Alfredo de Almeida
Crimas Lda


Crimas Lda is a limited liability company that was established in 2018 in Nampula province-Mozambique Owned by four young shareholders. The company support 1,500 farmers to increase their production and productivity by delivering training in sustainable good agricultural practice, financial literacy for farmers and promotion of an inclusive business model, where the company support farmers with agricultural inputs and trainings as per agreement, farmers sells their produce to the company. The company was created to address the issue of low production and productivity at farmers level, farmers in the region have limited knowledge on Sustainable good agricultural practices, leading to low productivity of vegetable production and commercial crop like maize and Boer bean. Farmers still lack the required inputs and technical expertise to properly apply good agricultural practices (GAP) on their fields and often do not apply GAP because farming inputs are expensive. In five years, we supported directly 1,500 families and indirectly impacted in the life of 4,500 people by enabling them to solve their household needs through the increase on their turnover in the agriculture sector. This year We created 13 new working post for young people (30% are women). Among the top clients of the company are UNOPS, FAO, Oikos, UNDP-We world. We are also working with International parters like Pespico Foundation, World Resource Institute, AUDA-NEPAD, International Research and Exchange Board (IREX) D-Prize and IPREN in addition to the local partners like IIAM, Invext and local goverment authorities.
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