Voting Count Down

Edupreneur Of The Year (Under 30)

Country: South Africa

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Ayanda Msipa
Kids Coding Club
Kidds Coding Club is an EdTech solution that facilitates Coding & Robotics curriculum in local communities, schools and ECD centers. Our vision is to make Computing skills accessible and available to anyone and everyone, while instilling confidence in the children's abilities & show them the power ofdigital making is in their hands, regardless of their background. Our mission at KCC is to bridge the digital divide & use technology to meet the challenges of a rapidly digitizing world while developing the skills of the younger generation that will contribute towards Africa being a global powerhouse. Furthermore, the program has contributed significantly to addressing the gender gap in STEM fields by encouraging girls to participate in coding and robotics activities. By providing a safe and inclusive environment, the program has helped break down stereotypes and biases that hinder girls from pursuing careers in STEM. Our program has sparked interest in STEM fields, helped children develop valuable skills, and made a positive impact on the communities we operate in as a whole. The program has also provided a platform for children to showcase their talents and skills, gave children the opportunity to develop their creative and problem-solving skills, and most importantly is encouraging girls to pursue careers in STEM fields.
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