Voting Count Down

Most Promising Founder of The year (Over 30)

Country: Zimbabwe

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Anorld Zingwena
Tenga Solar
TENGA SOLAR Pvt Ltd : Energy Efficiency - consultants Electricity - solar PV grid-connected & off-grid/hybrid for rural electrification, telecom, water pumping, medical centres, schools etc. Our strengths: · Fast response to enquiries provided we receive all relevant info, re questionnaire, see attached. · Solar lamps (social enterprise) & starter kits. · Off- & on-grid solar PV for individual homes and small businesses. · Solar LED street-lighting & advertising billboards. Outdoor area and indoor LED lighting. · Sustainable farming - solar water pumping and irrigation. · MULTISPOT & E-CUBE – e-learning. Ideal for off-grid schools, internet cafés, training facilities, offices etc. The concept has been developed together with commercial partners as possible anchor tenants. Same idea for Coca-Cola Ekocentres, heavily branded and operated as solar kiosk. · NGO supported projects for schools, medical centres & disadvantaged communities.
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